Technology has also begun to change the roles of teachers and learners. In the traditional classroom, the teacher was the primary source of information, and the learners passively received it. However, because of the access to information and educational opportunity that technology has enabled, in many classrooms today, we see the teacher’s role shifting to the “guide on the side” as students take more responsibility for their learning using technology to gather relevant information. 
Technology is a powerful tool that can support and transform education in many ways, from making it easier for teachers to create instructional materials to enabling new ways to learn and work together. With the worldwide reach of the Internet and the ubiquity of smart devices that can connect to it, a new age of anytime anywhere education is dawning. It will be up to instructional designers and educational technologies to make the most of the opportunities provided by technology to change education so that effective and efficient education is available to everyone everywhere.

“Skill gap” is the best keyword that can describe the problem the platform plans to address. Skill gaps occur when the skills required to perform a job are not met by the existing workforce. The skill gap significantly impacts the economy on a large scale, and business function is micro-scale.
Many factors cause the skill gap; the primary cause is the gap between the schooling system and curriculum structure which the real-world business needs.